When shopping for insurance, be aware that the coverage won’t protect you from every risk. Most policies have an "exclusion" section where certain dangers are noted. For example, if your RV has a lift kit, you may need to purchase additional insurance. For professional help, call Premier Insurance Agency, a firm serving in Detroit, MI.
Things To Note About RV Insurance
Shop around and compare RV insurance rates before buying. Keep track of your monthly spending, and re-evaluate your insurance needs yearly. Most RV insurance providers offer a discount if you install a security system. You may be able to qualify for lower rates if you drive less often or make certain upgrades to your RV.
Not all policies are created equal. There are some things to remember when shopping around for RV insurance, such as the length of your policy. Most RV insurance policies are written for a term of one year. However, if you’re buying RV insurance for your new or used RV, you might be able to find a policy that offers a long term, like two or three years.
Collision coverage is for accidental damage to your RV, and liability coverage is for damage you cause to other people’s property. Keep in mind that if you’re buying RV insurance for a brand-new RV, collision, and liability are usually included in the policy’s price.
RV insurance covers you and your family from property damage that you caused to someone. It can cover uninsured persons or if you or someone in your RV is injured in an accident.
If you don’t have RV insurance and cause damage to someone else’s property, you will be responsible for paying for the repairs. If someone in your RV is injured in an accident and you aren’t covered by insurance, you will have to pay for their medical bills.
Final Words
Find a policy that fits your budget and needs. Also, make sure you keep your policy up to date. If you change the information on your policy — such as discontinuing a driver’s license — you must inform the insurer. For assistance in Detroit, MI, call Premier Insurance Agency.