Who’s Insured When They Drive Your Car?

A question we often get at Premier Insurance Agency in Detroit, MI, where we serve customers from all over the state, is, "Am I covered when someone borrows my car and has an accident?"

In Michigan, someone who drives your car is covered by your insurance when they have your permission, they have a valid Michigan driver’s license, and they meet two other requirements:

  • They own a vehicle that is registered and insured in Michigan and
  • They aren’t excluded from your policy.

They are also covered if they have their own coverage for driving any car.

Exceptions to the Rule

Unfortunately, there are some situations where your insurance may not cover the accident, including:

  • The driver borrowed your car without permission.
  • Another driver caused the accident (because Michigan is a no-fault state).
  • The guest driver lives in a state other than Michigan and does not own a car that is registered in Michigan.

If the person driving your car has insurance, they must file a claim with their own insurance. If they don’t have no-fault insurance, they can submit a claim with a relative’s auto insurance company.

What’s the Bottom Line?

All Michigan drivers need no-fault auto coverage. It is always best to lend your car only to people who drive in Michigan or another no-fault state, or at least live in Michigan with another insured driver, or better yet, to friends who have auto insurance. This also applies to lending your Michigan car outside the state. Rental vehicles will be insured when you check them out of the rental agency.

Insurance can be complicated. At Premier Insurance Agency in Detroit, MI, we have the answers to all of your questions about Michigan auto insurance. Call us today!

How Does Classic Car Insurance Differ From Traditional Auto Insurance?

Commercial Cyber Insurance: Protecting Your Business from Cyber Risks

In today’s digital age, few businesses operate entirely without computers. They’re vital for advertising, customer interaction, and managing orders. While computers simplify and enhance many business processes, they also expose businesses to cybercrime. Plus, companies can become potential cybercrime victims through the computer usage of suppliers, customers, and others. If you operate in or around Lakewood, CO, and are looking into protecting your business from the potential financial impacts of cybercrime, feel free to contact us at Premier Group Insurance.

The Fundamentals of Commercial Cyber Insurance

Commercial cybercrime occurs when an individual steals data or hinders a business from fully utilizing its computers and information. Companies that connect to the internet and store information in the cloud are subject to such criminal activities.

Cybercrime activities can cause businesses financial damage, among other consequences. Therefore, it’s pivotal for your business to ensure cyber insurance coverage to safeguard against all three types of risks.

First-party damage from cybercrime arises when an attack compels you to allocate resources to investigate the attack and inform customers or others about how they may have been affected. In addition to these direct business costs, you may also have to make ransomware payments or lose revenue due to an attack.

Secondly, cyberattacks can result in third-party liability, which happens when an attack on your company harms others, causing them to incur losses. Cyber insurance covers such losses and associated expenses.

Lastly, firms offering technology-based products and others must protect themselves against faults, errors, and omissions in their products or services that prompt others to suffer losses.

Engaging with Premier Group Insurance

Premier Group Insurance caters to the business and personal insurance needs of many in the Lakewood, CO, area. Call us today at (303) 233-7878 to discuss your commercial or other insurance needs.

Protect Your Recreational Business With the Right Insurance

If you have an adventure-based business that gives people recreational activities, there is a special insurance policy that you will need to protect your business. This is recreational insurance, and it’s just right for your type of business. Whether you have an indoor or outdoor recreational business, you need this protection in case of accidents and other incidents that can happen. To get this type of insurance, call us at Premier Insurance Agency in Detroit, MI, and get started. 

High-Risk Activities Need Protection

Many recreational activities have a high degree of risk to them. Even hiking has a lot of potential for various types of accidents. Whether it’s skydiving, boating, biking, fishing, rock climbing, or any other recreational activity, there is some risk of customers having accidents. This can be very expensive for your recreational business. A serious accident could bankrupt a small business if you aren’t adequately insured. This type of insurance can pay for the medical bills and other expenses related to an accident so that your business doesn’t have to pay for them.

Indoor and Outdoor Activities

People usually picture outdoor activities when they think of recreational businesses, but plenty of indoor activities also need this type of insurance protection. Some of these include indoor skydiving, rock-climbing walls, trampoline businesses, slide businesses, and gymnastics studios. Many accidents can happen at all of these and other recreational businesses, so none of these companies should go uninsured. Even one serious accident could mean a lot of trouble for a small business. 

Get Recreational Insurance 

A recreational business can be a big asset to a community, but only if it can stay in business. A serious accident could wipe out an uninsured business. To get insured with the right policy for you, give us a call at Premier Insurance Agency in Detroit, MI.

Who Can Drive My Motorhome?

Purchasing an RV often involves plans of splitting the driving among you, your spouse, and possibly your teenager. Before setting off on a journey from your Detroit, MI, home, verify your RV policy with Premier Insurance Agency. Unless you listed others as approved drivers in your policy at the time of purchase or added them since then, you would be the only authorized driver.

Motorhome Driver Coverage

As the buyer of the motorhome policy, you’re automatically covered as a driver. Additionally, you can name other licensed drivers, like your spouse, in the policy. We recommend this as it offers someone to share the driving duties.

Including another adult driver with a good driving record typically doesn’t affect the cost. If you want to add a teenage driver to the policy, it might slightly increase your premiums. Nonetheless, adding them to the policy is better than having them drive uninsured. Your insurance wouldn’t cover the damage if an unlisted driver was involved in an accident.

How to Add Drivers to the Policy

If you’re preparing for a long trip and have only listed yourself on your policy, immediately call your insurance agent. You can add a driver to your policy in a matter of minutes. You only need their full name, driver’s license number, and address. We’ll provide a form for them to complete, sign, and return. We’ll handle the rest.

Contact Us Today

Contact Premier Insurance Agency before your next RV adventure. We’ll review your policy to ensure you’re covered as you depart from Detroit, MI.

Maintenance Checklist Before Traveling With Your RV

As the vacation season approaches quickly, you may have already planned a few RV trips. Before setting off on the road, you must complete a maintenance checklist. This ensures your safety and security when embarking on an epic adventure traversing across states. 

Oil Change

Changing the oil in your RV before your journey is critical, especially if it was last changed months ago before storing your vehicle. It’s important to allow fresh oil to cycle through the engine, enhancing its performance. 

Battery Check

If you haven’t replaced your battery for a while, it might be time to do so. Since warmer weather tends to wear down older batteries quicker, check your battery life. 

Tire Check

Knowing the state of your tires is essential before you embark on your RV trip. It’s important to examine the tread to determine whether your tires will last for your planned mileage or if they require replacement prior to your departure. Additionally, inspecting your tires can help identify any slow leaks that could become problematic later. 

Check Your Generator

Before reaching your destination and using your generator, make sure to test it while you’re still within easy reach of assistance. Run your generator for approximately six hours to verify that it powers all components in your RV effectively. 

While ticking off tasks on your maintenance checklist, do not forget to include RV insurance. Should you reside in the Detroit, MI area and seek a personalized quote, feel free to contact Premier Insurance Agency agents today. 

Five Things You Must Know About Motorcycle Insurance

You have just bought a shiny new Harley-Davidson or another brand of motorcycle that you have always wanted. Now, you need to protect your investment in Detroit, MI. Premier Insurance Agency can help you find a dedicated insurance policy that will protect you as well as your bike. Here are five things you need to know about motorcycle coverage.

1. Coverage Options are Similar to Auto Policies

Motorcycle insurance companies offer policies similar to those for autos, with premiums for liability, collision, comprehensive, and medical payments if you are injured in an accident. You don’t have to take all the offered coverage, but it’s a good idea to do so.

2. Minimum Liability Usually Isn’t Enough

Michigan’s minimum requirements are $50,000 per person and $100,000 per accident for bodily injury, plus $10,000 for property damage. With today’s high costs, you could end up with high medical bills and repair costs if you only get the minimum.

3. Remember to Insure Your Body

Even if you have health insurance, it may not be enough if you get into an accident with your bike. Cyclists frequently have severe injuries when they come into contact with a car. The medical payments portion of your policy can help pay for high deductibles.

4. You Can Insure Your Accessories

If your bike has special parts or customizations, make sure you insure them properly. Standard policies may not cover them.

5. You Can Bundle Your Coverage With Other Insurance Policies

Many insurers will allow you to bundle your motorcycle policy if you have auto or homeowner’s insurance. You’ll receive a discount for doing so.

Let Premier Insurance Agency, serving residents of Detroit, MI, help you find an affordable motorcycle insurance policy. Call our agents today to get started on your coverage.

Five Ways to Protect Your Aquatic Adventures in the Motor City

A Guide to Boat Insurance with Premier Insurance Agency in Detroit, MI

Residing in the grand city of Detroit, MI, you are wedged amidst the majestic Great Lakes. There’s nothing more exhilarating for local boaters than owning a fishing boat for weekend or summer fun. The insurance specialists at Premier Insurance Agency in Detroit are here to help ensure you and your boating partners obtain comprehensive insurance protection to safeguard your aquatic adventures. Read our guide on how to guard your unforgettable boat trips in the Motor City below.

1. Quantify Your Investment’s Value

Before acquiring a comprehensive insurance policy that shields your boat from mishaps and theft, you must assess your vessel’s value. This lets you ascertain the coverage amount needed to safeguard your investment against unexpected financial eventualities.

2. Get Informed About Michigan Boat Insurance

Michigan boat insurance offers various options, including liability and comprehensive coverage. These protect your watercraft, passengers, and accessories from collision and non-collision-related nautical incidents.

3. Opt for Comprehensive Boat Insurance

This insurance option provides a shield against boating accidents, boat theft, natural calamities, and other non-collision-related events. Approach a reliable insurance representative at Premier Insurance Agency to understand how comprehensive insurance can secure your vessel, hull, boating accessories, and water toys.

4. Inquire About Emergency Support

Boating mishaps are unpredictable, and having access to trustworthy emergency services on the water can significantly influence the eventual outcome. Consult your insurance agent about value-added services for boat insurance policies, including emergency towing.

5. Obtain a Michigan Boat Insurance Quote

Embarking on a boat insurance policy in Michigan is straightforward, with advice and guidance from a reputable local professional. Get in touch with the experts at Premier Insurance Agency in Detroit, MI, and request a quote today!

Where Your Standard Policy Ends is Where the Umbrella Begins

Insurance serves multiple purposes. For some, it’s a cushion that offers peace of mind following an accident or unexpected incident. For others, it’s responsibly protecting investments like homes and vehicles. Regardless of the reasons for acquiring insurance, every policyholder wants to ensure they have adequate coverage. That’s why residents from and around the larger Detroit, MI area trust Premier Insurance Agency for all their umbrella insurance needs.

Ensure Ample Insurance Protection

You might think your existing home or auto insurance policy is sufficient, but what about possible contingencies? What if your coverage isn’t enough when an unforeseeable event strikes? The experts at Premier Insurance Agency can help. They identify gaps in your current coverage and help you understand if your insurance suffices for all the ‘what ifs’ and ‘unless…’

This is where an appropriate umbrella insurance policy becomes invaluable. It can step in when your standard insurance coverage exhausts and caters for things your regular insurance doesn’t cover. With umbrella insurance, you can be confident about having sufficient coverage. And that’s the whole point of umbrella insurance – to keep you covered.

Claim Your Comprehensive Umbrella Insurance Solutions with Premier Insurance Agency Today

If you’re residing in the Detroit, MI, area and are contemplating whether an umbrella insurance policy would benefit you, the approachable and professional team at Premier Insurance Agency can assist. Contact us to learn more about how umbrella insurance works and put the broad coverage of umbrella insurance to work for you. When you want certainty, umbrella insurance provides the reassurance you deserve.

Contact Premier Insurance Agency for Comprehensive Insurance Solutions Today!

Master Policy vs. Individual Unit Coverage for Condo Insurance

Understanding Condo Insurance Levels for Optimal Protection

Condo insurance plays a vital role in protecting your investment and personal belongings in a condominium unit in Detroit, MI. However, the different types of condo insurance, namely master policy and individual unit coverage, require understanding to ensure optimum protection.

Master Policy Coverage: What Does It Entail?

The condominium association typically purchases a master policy to cover common areas such as the building structure, hallways, elevators, and shared amenities. This policy caters for damage to the building’s exterior and liability for accidents in common areas but usually doesn’t extend to individual units or the personal belongings of unit owners.

The Importance of Individual Unit Coverage

Individual unit owners must purchase individual unit coverage, or HO-6 insurance, to secure their personal property and liability. This vital policy covers damage to the interior of the unit, fixtures, appliances, and personal belongings. It also provides liability protection should someone sustain injuries within the unit or the owner be found responsible for damaging another unit.

Identifying and Bridging Coverage Gaps

While the master policy caters to damage in the common areas, it may leave coverage gaps concerning individual condo units. Let’s consider a scenario involving a burst pipe causing water damage to a unit interior; the master policy may cover the building structure repairs but not damages to the unit interior or personal belongings. Therefore, individual unit coverage remains crucial for bridging these gaps and providing comprehensive protection.

How Premier Insurance Agency Can Assist You

Are you seeking answers to questions on condo insurance? Premier Insurance Agency is here to help. Serving the Detroit, MI area, get in touch with us today for professional assistance.

Getting the Most Out of Your Umbrella Insurance Policy

Umbrella insurance is a type of supplemental insurance that people with many assets carry in addition to other types of insurance. For instance, umbrella insurance will pay any additional amount if you’re sued after someone is injured on your property and your homeowners’ insurance has already paid the maximum, but there is still a balance. If you’re an umbrella insurance policyholder for the first time, you might not know everything there is to learn about this type of insurance. Here is an overview that explains how you can get the most out of your umbrella insurance policy. 

Be Sure You Have Adequate Coverage

Ensuring you have adequate automobile, homeowners, and umbrella insurance is important because it can keep you from being forced to pay for any damages out of pocket. How can you determine if your current amount of coverage is adequate? You need to take an inventory of all your assets and carefully evaluate their worth, one by one. Only then can you purchase adequate coverage. 

Consider Purchasing the Maximum Insurance Amount

Depending on your net worth and the value of your assets, you might want to consider purchasing the maximum when it comes to all insurance types. If a particularly costly incident occurs, you won’t be forced to pay for damages out of pocket. 

As you can see, following these tips can get the most out of your umbrella insurance and get more bang for your buck. If you’re in the Detroit, MI area, and you’re seeking a new insurance provider, give us a call at Premier Insurance Agency. We at Premier Insurance Agency are dedicated to providing the absolute best customer service, prices, and coverage for our customers, and we’re ready to do the same for you. Call us for a quote today, whether you’re in Detroit, MI, or live outside the city.