If you own a recreational vehicle and you are thinking of getting insurance coverage, the biggest worry is often about the kind of protection needed. An RV requires a unique insurance plan to keep your valuable investment protected when traveling or living in it. It becomes easy to enjoy your adventures and trips when you aren’t worried about the safety of your vehicle, belongings, yourself, or your loved ones. At Premier Insurance Agency, we offer RV insurance plans throughout the Detroit, MI area and its surroundings.
RV insurance options
Recreational vehicle insurance coverages are categorized in various plans. The main coverages include:
Collision – This coverage is designed to pay for damages to your RV or motorhome once an accident occurs regardless of who is at fault. This policy may also cover RV rollovers. Note that collision coverage is required in case you lease your vehicle.
Bodily injury liability – If an accident occurs when you are using your recreational vehicle, and you or someone else gets injured, this policy will pay for the medical expenses, including loss of income.
Property damage liability – This insurance plan will help you make payments for any form of damage to another person’s vehicle or property if an accident occurred and you were at fault.
Comprehensive – Pays for non-collision damages to your recreational vehicle. This policy covers risks like falling objects, storms, vandalism, theft, fire, among other natural disasters.
Uninsured motorist – This is a coverage that protects you against other drivers who lack liability insurance or the funds to compensate for the damages or injuries they inflict on you, your RV, or your passengers. This plan may also protect you from a hit and run accident.
Underinsured motorist – This recreational vehicle insurance plan protects policyholders against drivers who aren’t sufficiently insured.
For more information on RV insurance, contact Premier Insurance Agency in Detroit, MI.